Clock Cleaning 101 eBookClock Cleaning 101

by William Bilger 39 pages


Properly cleaning a clock is a very important part of successful clock repairing and will go a long way towards promoting a successful clock repairing career. Having said this, it is hard to believe the number of clock repairer's who don't properly clean a clock either because they don't know how or they don't realize how important an aspect of clock repair it is. It is not all their fault as clock cleaning is a much debated and disputed part of clock repair.


If you asked ten repairers what procedure they used you would probably get ten different answers. There may not be one 100% correct way of cleaning a clock but there are procedures and methods that have been proven time and time again to be more correct than other procedures. And conversely there are procedures and methods that have been proven time and time again to be absolutely fruitless.


This book was written to help separate the wheat from the chaff. The purpose of this book is to distill all the half-truths, old wives tales, folklore, and utter nonsense into a procedure that the repairer can use with complete satisfaction and confidence.

This is an EBOOK and nothing comes in the mail.

